Fat Transfer & Injections

Fat transfer and injections dallas tx

Fat transfer and injections are innovative treatments that use your own fat for reducing wrinkles and adding volume to your features. At The Retreat Restorative & Aesthetics, we specialize in procedures that require no surgery, yet produce the benefits that men and women desire from more invasive procedures. Fat transfer and injections provide a way to address your cosmetic concerns without introducing synthetic substances into your body.


Because fat transfer and injections use your own tissues to produce volume in the treatment area, it is considered safe for most patients. Considerations for the procedure are:

  • Availability of fat from a harvest site on your body, such as the abdomen, thighs or back
  • Volume needed in the treatment area

Fat transfer to the breast is most appropriate for women who need a little enhancement or have small abnormalities. Fat transfer breast augmentation is possible in some cases. Fat transfer to the buttocks is not recommended for men and women with little to no volume in the butt area.


fat transfer and injections dallas, tx

Fat transfer and injections involves harvesting the fat via power assisted liposuction and transferring the fat to the treatment area via injections. The fat is purified before the injections. The technique allows Dr. Baker to precisely reduce your wrinkles and enhance facial features to produce a change that looks completely natural.


You will have two areas that need to heal after your fat transfer injections for the face – the site where the fat was harvested and the area where Dr. Baker made the injections. For the power assisted liposuction area, you will have swelling, tenderness and bruising for up to one week, and you should avoid placing pressure on the tissues. The site of the injections may have some tightness, swelling, tenderness, and bruising.


Your body will gradually break down the transferred fat cells. The timeline for this process varies significantly based on several factors that are discussed as part of your consultation with Dr. Baker.


The Retreat Restorative & Aesthetics offers free consultations with Dr. Joshua Baker, so you can find out if fat transfer and injections are your best option, as well as other details, such as the cost of treatment. We also explain our financing options through CareCredit®, LendingUSA® and GreenSky®. The starting cost of our fat transfer and injections varies by patient and is based upon a treatment plan that you develop during the consultation with Dr. Baker. The cost is based upon the volume of fat that is needed, as well as other factors. 


Where Can I Transfer Fat To?

You are able to transfer fat to almost anywhere on the body that you are wanting to add volume, improve contour and rejuvenate. The most popular areas are the buttocks, breasts and hands.

How Long Will My Transferred Fat Last In Its New Home?

A fat transfer is a long term volumizing treatment. The fat that is incorporated into your body and survives the transfer process is essentially permanent. The fat cells themselves may shrink or grow with lifestyle changes, but they will be always be in the new area.

Will All of The Fat You Transfer On Day Of Surgery Survive?

Unfortunately, no. On average, you will lose around 20% of what we transfer. Generally speaking, what you see at 4 weeks is what you will have in terms of fat volume. Again, the fat can shrink or grow like other fat cells in your body as well.